Monday, July 28, 2008

Y2K Revisited

I was going through some old sketchbooks yesterday and found this sketch for a Y2K cartoon I was to do when I was a cartoonist for the Oregon State U.'s student paper The Barometer. The cartoon is circled in red.

I drew this sketch in November of 1999. The funny thing about this sketch is the note I made to myself underneath the cartoon. In case you can't read what it says, I wrote:
"Note to self: Print after 1/1/00 ONLY if the end of civilization doesn't come."
Detail below:

I darkened up the pencil yesterday before scanning because the sketch had faded.

Well, since we all know that the end of civilization did not come the cartoon did run.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Illustration Friday "Canned"

A previous illustration done. I figured it works for this week's IF theme--"canned"… because there's a garbage CAN in the background… yeah, that's it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Dark Knight

Rayna and I went to see "The Dark Knight" last night and it was awesome!! …Probably one of the best movies I have ever seen. Go see it!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

It's launched!!

Hello, everyone. I wanted to announce that my site redesign has been launched. Yay!! I'm going to have an online launch party sometime in the near future. Okay, the party has begun… woohooo! everybody dance now!! Who let the designers out… woof, woof, woof, woof.

Okay, party's over. Everybody out.

Oh, of course you can get to my site by clicking the "Portfolio" button on top. Or just click here.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

New portfolio site coming

I'm in the process of redesigning my portfolio site. Why am I redesigning it, you ask… because I feel like it, that's why. I can do what I want. Stop pestering me!

Anyways, the reason is I'm sick of the black and brown background. Too dark and depressing. It's time for something fresh and summery! Plus, my current site buries my work with many clicks (two at least--that's two too many). When one goes to my newly-designed site BAM!! they go directly to my illustration portfolio--no clicking needed. If they want to go to my graphic design section it's only one click away. How awesome is that!!

I still have work to do. I have to optimize many of the images for the new white background. And, I'm adding captions to the work so I'll be working on that as well.

You can preview this new "beta" site here.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Explorers Final

A few weeks ago my wife and I helped out with our church's VBF (Vacation Bible FUN!!). Being that I'm an illustrator and designer all I could do was stare at all the illustrations and designs done by LifeWay for the curriculum. After the week was over I wanted to do something with a similar look and feel, so voi' la!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Explorers lines

I wanted to post a wip illustration in Illustrator. These are just the paths. I'll color it later. The yellow lines are where I plan to do shading… and I don't plan on leaving the rest of the lines pink, so stop freakin' out!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

In Progress (maybe)

A few weeks ago I started an illustration with a specific idea in mind. During the process I lost interest in the idea. I thought I'd post a couple versions of the illo. One vectored and one taken into Photoshop. Neither are considered done (especially the Photoshop one), but I thought I'd post them anyways. I can't decide which I like better. I guess they're two different styles so it's hard to compare.

Some of the shading on the body is weird because this guy was going to pull a blanket in his teeth, thus covering up most of his body and casting a shadow. If I continue on with this I'll fix that definitely.

After some Photoshop work. Definitely only halfway done. I think the reason I lost interest in these is because I felt the character needed more developing, so I didn't want to spend the time on the computer. Plus there's other illustrations I want to work on, and I've been real involved lately in developing my church's website. If you're really good I'll post some screenshots of that.